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Managing the “Wellness Time Demand”

Managing the “Wellness Time Demand”

May 23, 20243 min read

“Don’t wait, the time will never be just right.” - Napoleon Hill


Are you an owner or office manager in the wellness industry? If you haven’t read the wellness industry forecast from McKinsey & Company, you’re missing out! It shares the latest wellness industry trends for 2024.

Why are they important? If you work in the wellness industry there will be a huge demand on your time to attract, keep and maintain new customers. You will need to get good at the “Wellness Time Demand.” Not doing so can cost you time, energy and your bottom line.

Here are five reasons wellness businesses need to consider hiring a professional virtual assistant, so you can be free to run the parts of your business you love.👊

In 2024 areas such as gut health and sleep are top priorities for consumers. What will all of this demand to be healthier do to owners and managers of wellness practices? It will cause the “Wellness Time Demand.”

Most times solopreneurs or fully staffed wellness practices don’t have the manpower to assign one or more people to attract and manage new prospects, customers or clients.. That’s where a wellness virtual assistant can help you. Here are the top five areas the Wellness Time Demand will create for your growing practice and how your virtual assistant can help you:

1. Administrative Tasks

Creating work calendars, spreadsheets and other admin tasks are important. Time spent making them takes away from patient care. The right virtual assistant can handle updating your personal and professional calendar. They can send secure faxes and other administrative healthcare tasks.

2. Marketing Tasks

A Nurse Practitioner with a new office location knows she needs to get the word out to attract new patients. But when her and her staff are busy treating who they already have, when does the marketing get done? Wellness virtual assistants can create social media content, schedule it and set up a social posting calendar. They also do email campaigns and more.

3. Generate Ideas

Running a wellness practice means you have great ideas. You know your patients and clients inside and out. Your virtual assistant is the best person to bounce ideas off of. Plus, when you have an idea for them to execute for you it gets done, ASAP! You won’t have to waste your valuable time making your idea become a reality. 

4. Campaign Creation

Many wellness business owners have the same problem as other solopreneurs. Once they come up with an idea for the perfect marketing campaign, they have to create the campaign to promote it. That takes more of your time! When you have a wellness virtual assistant you can share your campaign idea and they build it for you. It’s complete with all the emails, landing pages and opt-in forms you need to succeed!

5. Workflow Management

When someone visits your website seeking wellness services or products you want them to take action. This could be opting into a newsletter, getting a free video or eBook. The goal of your workflow is to educate your subscribers on how you can solve their wellness problems. Your offers can include videos, PDF’s, courses and so on. A virtual assistant will spend the hours needed to build and manage workflows for you. This frees you up to run the rest of your business.

Start Saving Time

Tired of wasting time trying to build your online campaigns and workflows? Need a small team to handle your online marketing needs? Today, CMG International can help your wellness practice gain new prospects and customers!

Special Offer

Creating reels can be time consuming. That’s why we’re offering you five free reels for your wellness business! Click here to grab your free reels, now: (reel link). Learn how CMG International can assign the right wellness virtual assistant for your business, today!

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